Tag Archives: oligo dT

Reverse Transcription – Ronit’s C.gigas DNased ctenidia RNA

Proceeded with reverse transcription of Ronit’s DNased ctenidia RNA (from 20181016).

Reverse transcription was performed using 100ng of each sample with M-MMLV Reverse Transcriptase from Promega.

Briefly, 100ng of DNased RNA was combined with oligo dT primers and brought up to a final volume of 15uL. Tubes were incubated for 5mins at 70oC in a PTC-200 thermal cycler (MJ Research), using a heated lid. Samples were immediately placed on ice.

A master mix of buffer, dNTPs, water, and M-MMLV reverse transcriptase was made, 10uL of the master mix was added to each sample, and mixed via finger flicking. Samples were incubated for 1hr at 42oC in a PTC-200 thermal cycler (MJ Research), using a heated lid, followed by a 5min incubation at 65oC.

Samples were stored on ice for use later this afternoon by Ronit.

Samples will be stored in Ronit’s -20oC box.

Reverse transcription calcs (Google Sheet):

Reverse Transcription – O.lurida DNased RNA Controls and 1hr Heat Shock

Performed reverse transcription on the Olympia oyster DNased RNA from the control samples and the 1hr heat shock samples of Jake’s project. To accommodate the large numbers of anticipated genes to be targeted in subsequent qPCRs, I prepared 100μL reactions (normally, 25μL reactions are prepared) using 250ng of each DNased RNA. A 1:10 dilution of the oligo dT primers (Promega) was prepared to improve pipetting accuracy. All incubations were performed in a thermal cycler without using a heated lid.

DNased RNA was combined with NanoPure H2O and oligo dT primers in 48 wells of a PCR plate, heated @ 70C for 10mins and immediately placed on ice. After 5mins, the plate was spun 2000g @ RT for 2mins and returned to ice.

25.25μL of a master mix containing 5x M-MLV Buffer (Promega), dNTPs (10mM each; Promega), and M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (50U/rxn; Promega) was distributed to each well and mixed via pipetting. The plate was heated @ 42C for 1hr, 95C for 3mins. The plate was spun 2000g @ RT for 2mins and then stored @ -20C.

Plate layout and all calculations can be found here (Google Sheet): 20150616_Jake_Oly_cDNA_Calcs

Reverse Transcription – Subset of Jake’s O.lurida DNased RNA

Currently don’t have sufficient reagents to perform reverse transcription on the entire set of DNased RNA (control and 1hr.heat-shocked O.lurida ctenidia samples). To enable Jake to start testing out some of his primers while we wait for reagents to come in, Steven suggested I generate some cDNA for him to use.

Used the following DNased RNA:

  • HC1
  • NC1
  • SC1
  • HT1 1
  • NT1 1
  • ST1 1

Reverse Transcription Calcs: 20150522_Jake_Oly_cDNA_Calcs


  • Reactions run in 0.5mL snap cap tubes
  • 250ng of DNased RNA used in each reaction
  • Combined DNased RNA with oligo dT primers and water; incubated 70C 5mins; immediately placed on ice
  • Added 6.75μL of buffer/dNTP/enzyme master mix to each sample; incubated 42C for 1hr; 95C for 3mins

Samples will be given to Jake and stored @ -20C.

Reverse Transcription – DNased Hard Clam RNA from earlier today

Prepared cDNA using 1ug of RNA from each of the 3 pools (CA, MA, MAX) and processed according to Promega’s M-MLV protocol, using oligo dT primers. Calcs and master mix set up are here. Briefly, RNA was combined with oligo dT primers, denatured @ 70C for 5mins, immediately placed on ice for 2mins, mixed with RT master mix, incubated 1hr @ 42C, 3mins @ 95C, and then stored @ -20C.

Reverse Transcription – BB & DH DNased RNA (from 20090514)

Made a fresh, double batch (50uL rxn instead of 25uL) of cDNA according to Promega MMLV protocol using oligo dT primers. cDNA was put into a plate for faster qPCR loading. cDNA calcs and plate layout are here. Briefly, RNA and oligo dTs were combined, brought up to 37uL, heated @ 70C for 5mins and immediately placed on ice. RT master mix was made (RT master mix calcs are here), 13uL was distributed to each well. Samples were incubated @ 42C for 1hr and then 95C for 5mins.

UPDATE: cDNA plate was discarded 20120320 by SJW.

Reverse Transcription – Abalone 07:12 DNased RNA (from 20090623)

Spec – DNased Abalone 07:12 RNA

Apparently, these samples had not been spec’d after DNase treatment.


Samples range in quality (260/280) from not great to perfect. Will perform calcs to make cDNA.


Set up reverse transcription rxns using 174ng of each DNased RNA (sample 07:12-04 was limiting; only 6.1uL available), using Promega oligo dT primers and M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase according to Promega protocol. RNA/oligo dT primer workup is here. Primer and DNAsed RNA were mixed and brought up to 18.25uL with H2O. Samples were heated @ 70C for 5mins and then placed immediately on ice. The RT Master Mix set up can be found here. 6.75uL of the RT master mix was added to each tube, mixed, spot spun, incubated 42C for 1hr., 95C for 3mins and then the samples were given to Lisa in the Friedman Lab.

Reverse Transcription – Sepia DNased RNA

DNase Treatment – Sepia RNA (from 20091204)

Samples were DNase treated with Ambion’s Turbo DNA-free kit, following the rigorous protocol. Used 6uL of each sample, brought up to 50uL with H2O, added 5uL of 10x buffer and 1.5uL of DNase. Incubated 37C for 30mins, added an additional 1uL of DNase and incubated @ 37C for 30mins. Added 0.2 volumes of DNase Inactivation reagent and incubated at RT for 2mins with regular mixing. Spec’d RNA.



Set up reverse transcription rxns using 200ng of each DNased RNA, using Promega oligo dT primers and M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase according to Promega protocol. RNA/Oligo dT primer workup here. Primer and DNAsed RNA were mixed and brought up to 18.25uL with H2O. Samples were heated @ 70C for 5mins and then placed immediately on ice. The RT master mix set up can be found here. 6.75uL of the RT master mix was added to each tube, mixed, spot spun and then incubated @ 42C for 1hr, heat inactivated @ 95C for 3mins and stored @ 4C.